Free Printable Triceratops Coloring Pages
Explore our collection of free Triceratops coloring pages that are perfect for kids, dinosaur enthusiasts, and anyone who loves to color! Triceratops, one of the most recognizable dinosaurs with its three horns and frilled head, makes a fun subject for creativity. Whether you’re looking for simple outlines for young children or more detailed designs for advanced coloring, you’ll find a variety of options to print and enjoy. Download as many as you like, grab your favorite colors, and bring these prehistoric creatures to life. Our pages are free to print and easy to access—start coloring today!
Triceratops Coloring Pages
Triceratops T-Rex Birthday Coloring Page
Celebrate with the Triceratops T-Rex Birthday Coloring Page for a fun and festive dinosaur coloring experience.
Volcano Triceratops Coloring Page
Unleash your creativity with the Volcano Triceratops coloring page. Perfect for all ages, it promises hours of fun.
Beach Triceratops coloring page
Get ready to embark on a prehistoric adventure with our latest addition to the coloring page collection – the Beach Triceratops! This hand-drawn illustration features a triceratops with a fun beach theme, perfect for unleashing your creativity and imagination. With its intricate details and realistic depiction, this Beach Triceratops coloring page is sure to transport […]
Back to School Triceratops coloring page
Step into the prehistoric world with this captivating Triceratops coloring page, perfect for the back-to-school season. Let your imagination run wild as you bring this majestic creature to life with vibrant colors and intricate details. With its playful incorporation of school supplies and symbols, this line drawing will surely spark the creativity of any young […]
Dance Party Triceratops coloring page
Unleash your creativity with the dance party triceratops coloring page. Fun and excitement await young artists.
Brachiosaurus Dinosaur – Valentine’s Day
As Valentine’s Day approaches, the majestic Brachiosaurus dinosaur eagerly prepares to celebrate with its fellow prehistoric friend, the Triceratops. In a delightful line drawing, the two dinosaurs are depicted with hearts, flowers, and other romantic symbols, adding a special touch to their usual fierce appearance. Children and adults alike will enjoy coloring in this charming […]
Young Triceratops and T-Rex Celebrate Their Friendship on Valentine’s Day
This young Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex gave each other gifts and candy to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Baby Triceratops Hatches From a Heart-Shaped Egg on Valentine’s Day
This baby Triceratops hatched from a heart-shaped egg just in time for Valentine’s Day. What a wonderful way to celebrate!
Hybrid Triceratops Hangs Out With Her Favorite Elves
This Christmas-loving hybrid Triceratops is having a roaring good time with these elves.
Triceratops Tobbogganing With Kids at Christmas
This Christmas-loving Triceratops is having a roaring good time with these kids on a toboggan in the snow.
Color in Thomas Triceratops
Here is Thomas Triceratops standing in front of some prehistoric plants, with the mountains behind him. Thomas has some unique features, such as stripes or spots, so how will you color his to make him stand out among her friends and family? Will you color the stripes and spots in the same colors? Will use […]
Color this baby Triceratops with mother
This baby Triceratops hatched early this week and the mother gave the baby some time to get used to the new world. Now that time has passed, the mother wants to teach the baby how to look for food, find water, find their way around, and more. The baby is excited to learn and the […]
Posing Triceratops with mother
This baby Triceratops hatched and went to explore with its mother. The dad Triceratops wanted to take a picture to remember the moment, so he asked them to pose. The mother smiled and the baby copied the smile while cuddling in its mother’s neck. What colors will you use for the cute mother, child moment? […]
Color in this silly Triceratops
This Triceratops went for a walk to get some food when he saw his friend in the distance. Instead of walking up to his friends and saying hello, he thought it would be funnier to yell out their name and startle them. When he did that, his friend jumped up screased, which made this silly […]
Curious baby Triceratops
This baby Triceratops just hatched earlier today and went to the nearby forest to explore. While exploring, they came across a prehistoric snail. The snail also hatched earlier in the day, so both were surprised when they saw each other. The Triceratops was happy, but the snail was slightly scared. Soon, they become good friends. […]
Hatching baby Triceratops
This baby Triceratops just hatched today. When their opened their eyes, they were amazed by all the nature and scenery around them. They are excited to explore this new world as time goes on. What color do you think Triceratop eggs are? Do you think they are the same color as the Triceratops? Have fun […]
Brave baby Triceratops
This baby Triceratops is getting ready to start his first day of school. He is a little scared to start, but that will not stop him. His is chosing to be brave and is determined to have a great first day. This brave baby is ready to be colored. Feel free to also draw things […]
Baby Triceratops
This baby Triceratops went on a walk with their mother and, while on the walk, they witnessed a volcano erupting. This made them very excited because they love volcanos. What color will you make this happy and excited triceratops? Make sure to color in the volcano as well as the plants around them. You can […]
Dino playdate
These four babies in this picture are a Spinosaurus, a Parasaurolophus, a Plesiosaur, and Triceratops. Their parents set up this playdate so they could get to know each other better and become good friends. Color in these four babies using the colors you like. You can make them match or make them look completely different. […]
Color Tracy triceratops frolicking through the trees
Tracy triceratops is taking a stroll through the trees on a clear day to visit her friends. While on her way, she decided to stop and admire the beautiful prehistoric plants and nature around her. What color do you think the plants are? Do the colors match or contrast the color of Tracy and her […]
Color in this smiling triceratops
This smiling triceratops was posing for a picture to show off his stripes and horns when a volcano erupted behind him. Luckily, the picture was snapped before the sound startled him and made him jump. What color do you think his stripes and horns are? Don’t forget to color in the volcano and the prehistoric […]
Color in Pricilla Triceratops
Here is Priscilla Triceratops standing in front of some prehistoric plants, with the mountains behind her. Unlike her family, Priscilla does not have stripes or spots, so how will you color her to make her stand out among her friends and family? Will you give her stripes and spots? Will use multiple colors? The choice […]
Grandpa triceratops
Here is Grandpa Triceratops going for walk to visit his grandchildren. Grandpa here is starting to get lines on his horns and more wrinkles on his body as he gets older. How else do you think triceratops change as they get older? Color in grandpa how you think Triceratops look as they grow old. Don’t […]
Triceratops vs. Triceratops, who do you think will win?
These two triceratops brothers got into a little argument about who has the nicer spots. They decided to settle it with a friendly horn-wrestling match. Who do you think will win? What color spots do you think their spots will be? Make sure to color the plants and scenery around them, don’t forget the volcano […]
Color this Triceratops at the jungle rocks
This triceratops has found her way into the jungle and is admiring the mossy rocks. Color in all the moss and rocks and then maybe match her spots with the same colors for camouflage. Or make her stand out using different colors. It is up to you! You can download this page by clicking the […]
What color is Trudy Triceratops?
Trudy the Triceratops likes to be outside. Can you color her page and make the grass green and the sky blue? What color will you make her skin? Because large modern-day warm-blooded animals, such as elephants and rhinoceroses, are grey and brown, many scientists think that the dinosaurs were, too. But other paleontologists (dinosaur scientists) say that dinosaur […]
Color in this happy triceratops
This happy triceratops is waiting to be colored. What color will you make his stripes and stops? Don’t forget to color in the volcano and the prehistoric plants. You can download this page by clicking the download button below. It’s free.